Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Spiritual Yard Work

Recently, out of sheer necessity, I grudgingly participated in one of my least favorite activities, “yard work.” Raking leaves to be more specific.
Now I realize that there is actually a strange mutant species of humans that actually enjoy this arduous activity. They have their own little sub-culture that includes a network of supply stations called Home Depots. It is a sick and twisted world, of which, I am not a part of. Surprisingly, even though I detest this mandatory husband/king of my castle chore it seems that the Lord often chooses to use these times of severe testing to speak to my heart about “spiritual things”. Such was the case as I tackled the gargantuan pile of leaves that annually cover my front yard.
As I “joyfully” raked those leaves I pondered within my heart why these things must be. The Lord began to show me that the winds of time and the storms of life, can blow unsightly debris into our “yards.” Little by little, one leave at a time, “stuff,” can pile up in our “yards.” It is so easy for us to go about our daily routines and never even give our “yard” a passing thought. Then one day we stop and really take a good look at our “yard” and reality sets in. Our “yard” is a mess.
Now, it is not like we set out to have a messy “yard” but things just sort of happen and before you know it things have gotten out of hand. We put it off as long as we can but there comes a critical point where some “yard work” must be done.
The Lord showed me that if we don’t rake our “leaves”, eventually the “leaves” will kill the good grass beneath. The “dead leaves” will smother out the “new life” beneath that is waiting to spring forth if only given a chance. It is sad that so many people in our neighborhoods have potentially beautiful “yards” but they are not willing to remove the dead “leaves” that are destroying their own lawn. I had to get started!
Now raking leaves is hard work and as the sweat dripped from my furrowed brow I must admit the thoughts of shortcuts crossed my mind. “One match would surely do the trick”! Maybe I could simply blow them over into my neighbors yard and blame them for being a disgrace to the whole neighborhood. (After all the blame game seems to be the way to go these days). Perhaps I could simply procrastinate and refuse to deal with the whole mess until the next hurricane hits and blows all the leaves away for me. The only problem with waiting for the “big storm” to hit before dealing with your “leaves,” is that the “big storm” often blows your home away, too.
There was no easy way out. The work had to be done. It is my “yard” and it was up to me to deal with the situation.
Well it was a long day. Beside the curb sat twenty bulging sacks of dead leaves. I had never imagined my “yard” could have so many leaves. My back was aching and my muscles were sore, but it sure felt good to have a clean “yard.” It felt good to leave those sacked up dead leaves by the curb and walk away from them. They were out of my life for good! “Hallelujah!” Oh how my heart swelled with pride as I surveyed the great work of my freshly calloused hands. Then it happened. As I looked toward the heavens fully expecting a “this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased” or at the very least an Autumn colored rainbow, much to my chagrin, a leaf gently floated toward my trophy yard.
Oh well I guess as long as I live in “this old house” there will always be a little “yard work” left to do.

Lam 3:40
40 Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD. (NIV)

Proverbs 17:24 (MsgB)
The perceptive find wisdom in their own front yard;…..

I really hope you don’t think I wrote all this about “yard work.”

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