Friday, May 19, 2006

Monster Movies

Recently we showed a short video at our church. However, due to a small technical glitch, the audio portion was not exactly in sync with the video feed thereby producing sort of an “old Oriental monster movie” effect. You remember those old movies, the ones where the overdubbing was just a little off. In our case the problem did not spoil the intent or effect of the presentation, but it did cause me to ask myself a question.
Do my words match my actions?
The book of Hebrews tells us that we are “surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses” and these witnesses are watching our “presentation.” We are also instructed to “lay aside everything” that might keep our motions from matching our words. The world is watching and they can spot a “glitch” a mile away.
Looking back, I realize just how cheesy and poorly produced those old monster movies really were. They make me laugh.
I don’t want my life to be a “cheesy old movie.”


Anonymous said...

hey thats funny
i never seen those old movies but if they were as funny as the one on pastor appreciation then i bet they were funny...i guess i will have to rent one and see it for
well g2g
luv u

m.d. mcmullin said...

Good post.

I found your blog through Travis Johnson. I am also a pastor in Texas. curious where you are?

I'm in Tyler at Rose Heights.

Shoot me an e-mail sometime.